know that I still haven't made a post about the weekly highlights. So I'm just gonna make it simple coz my hands are cold and stiff. Hmm.. better warm em first. 1..2...3... OK done. Only warmed a bit. Oh see,
now it's cold again. You want me to put my hands over open fire??
So, anyway, this week's just a typical, average week. Are u kidding me? No week is typical and average when you're me. I think our principal has had it with us students. She said 'kepala otak awaklah' during the assembly. She was freakin mad at the naughty students.
I also discovered on how to answer the question "What date is it?" when it's either Aswan or Saiful asking it. Lemme make a demonstration. If today Saiful asks
"Weh hari ni berape hb?". Me or Aswan will answer "Uh... 27 England kalah, jadi hr ni... 4 July" and Aiman would just lower his head pretending he doesn't care. We know he's not mad, we're just joking. We means Saiful, Aswan, Aiman and yeah, me.
I found out Aiman's nickname! It's spelled like this.

Epul loves calling him that. When I asked why, he said because Aiman is kinda similar to that guy. And I was like, what's the same. He said skin tone. I laughed hard.
And guess what? I got new neighbours. Aiman and Aswan. Well, practically not that kind of neighbours. They just sorta moved behind me seat in class. Ama and Sarah went to join the girls-dominating-the-row row. So leaving me in the boys-rule-here row. Well, Evangeline sits next to me. But she doesn't talk much. So that means when I'm bored (practically all the time), I'll lean on the wall and turn my head to my left (Aiman) and I'll talk to him. He's cool. Oh God if he reads this he's so gonna be proud of himself.
He's always asking me for help and I'm so kind I'll help him. Here's a simple example of us fighting. Aiman asks "Pukul berape, bitch?". I'll answer "Berani ko pgl aku bitch!".
Aiman: Eh, eh silap
Dania: *ignoring*
Aiman: Aku ckp kat botol tu la
Dania: Ha suruh la botol tu jawab
Aiman: Cpat la, pukul brape syg?
Dania: Sruh botol tu jwb, aku xnak jwb
Aiman: Aku da pgl ko syg kan
Dania: Sblom uh ko pgl aku bitch
Aiman: Tu saje je. Kan da pgl syg
Dania: *in thoughts: i give up, no point fighting* *shows watch*
Aiman: Ok thx
Yeah, we're freaks. Haha