ILY Spain!!!

Haha, when Spain goaled, I screamed with a voice so loud and high-pitched, my dad who was sleeping soundly, woke up. You can imagine that. I didn't turn off the TV just yet. I waited till the trophy was handed over to the team, then I was satisfied.
The match's just over so I can't expect a pic of them holding the trophy available on the internet. I googled it. Just now. I'll google it again whenever. So, just for now, the pic's gotta wait.
OK, GOT IT. I still love you, Spain.
Here's the pic of the team captain, Iker Casillas holding the trophy. Surprisingly, my class today is not noisy talking about FIFA. Anyway, I still get my moment (last night and this morning when I shouted to Syazana that Spain won)
No offense Syazana =D
P/S: I love you, Spain
cis!!!!! baling cheese kang >.<
jap2, tunggu aku bkak mlut dluuu... aku nk cheddar.
k da, baling ah
spain mng sbb ade fabregas..
Anas ni, tak habis-habis. Haishh -.- Talking about Spain(although I don't support Spain), siapa Torress? Siapa Villa? :D Aku tatau pun siapa diorang tu.
p/s: Messi's probably crying right now D; Germany killed him.
villa terhebd...ape pon...spain ttap terbaek
anas, da la tu... redha je la spain mng...
aini, u dun hv 2 understand, just tgk je, =D
adiib, SOKONG! hehe
dah la tu syazana
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