Aiman, thank you. Although your plan is to leave me there alone so he'll talk to me, but he didn't talk to me, yes I know, I'm clapping one-handedly (tepuk sebelah tangan). What kind of English is that? My style, I guess.
So I watched him, and when he smiled, I smiled, even though his smile is not even for me. Come on, let me be in fangirl mode. I might look like a
loner or a silent person or a serious person, heck, maybe even a lion-like person, but I'm a girl and I have my moments.
I like, looked at him almost all the time but I try to cover it up by watching Aiman play badminton occasionally. He doesn't read my blog, so I can like, tell my blog everything. My dear blog. I love you.

entah2 tersengih-sengih dia baca entry ni.. hee..he..
luv u too dania..
i love you tu utk blog ni lah haha
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