You guessed it, I wanna be taller. Why? I dunno. I just wanna be taller. Allah please, please, please don't stop my growth yet. At least let me get to the 5' 5" league, perhaps almost close to the 5' 5" league? Or maybe just let me step inside the 5' 4" league. I'm tired of being stuck in 5' 3" for so long.
It's only 1 tiny cm till I get to 5' 4". One tiiiinyyyyy centimeter. It's not even a whole centimeter. I still think I'm short. Coz when I walk in shopping malls, I'll look around and see, many girls are taller than me (though I do notice most of em do wear high heels). But I still wanna be tall.
Not that tall like Adiib or Acap. They're like, um, 170++cm? God their damn tall I have to look up. I like that. I dunno why, I just think that guys with 170++cm height is way cool. 164cm is enough... Oh please, please, please Allah, let me grow till my height reaches 164cm. After I reach it, I'm OK. Bad for Zarif, I didn't stop growing yet. It stopped last year, but thanks to something, it continued this year. Nothing's impossible ya know?
Oh and no, I am not weird. Seriously.
bersyukur la dgn pemberian ALLAH SWT..insyaallah nnti ko meninggi..hahaha
ko ni selfish sgt. cube tgk org yg lagi pendek dr ko (mcm ak hahahaha) and bersyukur ah skit. =D
hahaha. atas skali uh daniel er? tiqah, ko kate aku selfish mak aku da sound aku da kate aku selfish.
thx gle ah.
hahahaa,bersyukurlah pde ape yg ade
nyesal aku wat post nih... nnti ble dpt internet wireless (yes3!!), aku nk dlete. sbb aku selfish, bia ah nk dlete
jngan delete dlu..biarlah tuk sebulan dua..bkan ader yg ngutok pon
tiqah kate aku selfish =(
sape daniel??aq orang yang kt atas 2..
sorry if I hurt your feelings. x de niat nk mengutuk =)
daniel is daniel
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