Miss ya so much I've been dreamin bout ya! No, not you, the blog. Well, actually no, I dreamt about random stuffs but no blogs. Some nightmares here and there but no pants-wetting, OK?

I think starting from now, I'm only gonna update my blog weekly, or maybe only on weekends. I dunno, look at my mood. Okay so here's what happened to me this week.
I got my exam papers. No need to know my results. All of em except for Arts and PE (PJ?). I realized my shoes are very dangerous and defensive. My school shoes, that is. I mean, you don't see a shoe making people's finger bleed just because they try to pull the 'perfectly tied' shoelace everyday right? No, you don't have to worry about me, my fingers are fine. =P Worry about Lee. The next day, the wound hasn't healed yet ya know.
We were hanging around, the standard group, at the standard place, standard time. My shoes are a fave among them. Coz the shoelaces are damn long you just can't resist pulling it and make me scream. Poor shoe, no wonder you got defensive eh? They were trying to annoy me. I hid my legs (yes, shoes also) under myself coz they, especially Syazana and Lee, were trying to pull em. Lee tried to make an act of I-got-quick-hands-you-can't-stop-me-pulling-your-shoelace. Suddenly she said "Ow!" and we were like "What?" and she said her finger is bleeding. Man it's a long cut and it wasn't like a Oh-it-got-scratched-bleeding but it's like did-a-knife-just-cut-my-finger-bleeding. Just it wasn't that bad.
So that's the story of the week!
random. is that a spider i c under the shoe?
IN the shoe. =D
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