I just want to say I miss being your friend. You used to be my best friend and I think it's my fault that we're distant now. You used to give me advice when I'm at loss and I know you mean well, but my temper always got the worse out of me.
I dreamt about you last night. I said I miss it all. You said you missed it too. When I woke up, it sorta triggered something, so I decided to make this post. It's your birthday tomorrow right? I'm still thinking about what present to buy to you. I suck at choosing presents -_- but I won't give you cupcakes like I did for my other friends, because you want a present, not cupcakes. I'll make sure I give you a present.
So let me just reminisce in the past okay? Haha. You know me so well that when a person typed 'dudeeee', you instantly know it's me. Even I didn't notice that I say 'dude' a lot haha. You're the one who influenced me to read manga. I didn't know it was addicting. Now I'm not so addicted to manga, but still, yeah you get the gist. You're the one who influenced me to make this blog, so I'm grateful to you. And you always let me borrow your books, I'm grateful for that too. Lastly, you've been with me when I'm at my best and when I'm at my worst. I can't thank you enough for that.
Happy advanced birthday! I'll wish you again this night :) Hoho why so jiwang Dania.
aww sweet gile. well aku tak kesah pon dah distant. we're still friends. remembering bende2 kecik cam birthday semua tu pon ok je. taking the time to write this post dah mcm aww.. haha mmg jiwang ah.
anyway, thanks very much jugak, dania!
hahaha tibe2 rase cam nak jiwang, sorry ah. you're welcome :)
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