Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

April 17, 2012


So... today's Tuesday. Today's 17/4/2012... Today's the end of the KEJORA holidays. Today I'll be going back to TGB MJSC. Today I have not finished my biology homework. Today I'm cool.

I don't know to be excited or depressed or anything. I'm like "...I have no feelings whatsoever". Haha since when I got home, I didn't feel like being... really at home. With the homework and chores, I don't feel like I'm on holiday. Ugh, don't these people know the meaning of holidays? Well, at least I didn't do everything at the last moment. I can proudly say I've finished 95% of my homework.

Well that's all from me in this month. See you next month guys :)

April 13, 2012


I haven't made a blog post about my gang at TGB eh? Well, now I have. We call ourselves the 4-D on random occasions, it's not even an official name but yeah. 4Ds for four people with Ds? Hahaha there's me, Dania, Edora whom we call Dora, Hidayah whom we call Dayah or Yayah, and Adilah whom I seldom call Dila but always call Adijas. Her name is Adilah Jasmine so yeah.

I don't need to tell you guys about me. Reading my blog posts are enough to tell you guys who I am, right? Let's start with the roomies first. Edora. Her bed is the second bed and it's next to mine. She has a very fair skin which I am jealous of. And she has hair which I am also jealous of because it looks so... babyish. Hahahaha. She's the one who always call me Lan. She's always in a world of her own. She's like the Malay version of Luna Lovegood.

Next is Dayah a.k.a Yayah. She's in the fourth bed. She's like my stepdaughter as she calls me her stepmother. At night, I give her a bottle of baby oil and she lathers my hair with it hoho free spa. And the other day, she buffed my nails and did my hair like a conch shell. How cute. And she totally understands my obsession with my crush. I demand a stuffed turtle on my birthday from her! The 'real' turtle is very much welcomed. Hahaha stuff him in a box and give it to me, I'll keep him for sure *kening2

Last but not least is Adijas. She's not my roomie, she's in FA07, we're in FA09, but we're close. She has a rocker's voice kah kah kah and she likes Alif Satar's songs. She's a K-POP fan, I still don't see what's so cool about it but anyway. Somehow she always ended up meeting weird people like toot and Creepy Girl hahaha she got so freaked out with the latter. She can't make her mind about something on the spot, like the PUM. First she wants it, then she wants to resign, then she wants it again and now she has officially resigned from the test. Haish, she always study until late night and I occasionally have to wake her up for Subuh. I also have to wake Dayah up, which is sort of annoying when she really doesn't want to get off of her bed. She calls her mum everyday at 5pm, which I admire. Or maybe it's because she doesn't have a cell phone with her? I just text my mom. My mom supports me in bringing a phone with me because she claimed she can't stand a day without texting me hahaha you're the best. 

So I think that's all about 4-D. Stay tuned for more :D

P/S : Adijas made a blog post about us. Read it!

April 10, 2012

UPSS 1 SEM 1 2012

Last week, TGB MJSC had an examination or a UPSS. For the form 4s, it's the UPSS 1 and for the form 5s, it's the UPSS 2. My mummy forbade me to stay up at night to study after lights off, so I obeyed her. And it was for a good cause...? I don't really know how to put it but I didn't suffer by not studying after lights off.

So, I got two papers back. Additional Mathematics and Biology. Killer subjects wew. But I honestly think the Modern Mathematics paper was a lot harder. I got an A+ for Additional Mathematics, which is just like, nyaris2 , because it's 90% -.- And I got 87% for Biology. Still the highest in the class hihihihihi alhamdulillah.

So that is all. Farewell. Oh and I'm back until next Tuesday! =D