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October 23, 2011

The Pact

So, I'm currently working on a book challenge, which is to read 700 books... And I've read only 55 so far... Never mind, I'm not setting a time for the challenge anyway. The 55th book I've read is The Pact by Jodi Picoult.

The novel is about two teenagers, Chris Harte and Emily Gold, who have known each other their whole life. Considering their closeness, it was no surprise when their friendship turned into romance. One night, their families were awoken with calls from the hospital. Emily was dead from a gunshot wound to the head and Chris was injured. He became a suspect and was put into jail when his family was celebrating his 18th birthday. I pity him. But then he told the truth and his awesome lawyer, Jordan McAfee said some stuffs that convinced the jury, he was found not guilty of a first degree murder.

The ending is not somewhat like in fairytale stories, but it didn't suck either. I pity Chris, a lot. He's like the victim of circumstances, much like Erik in Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera. When Emily confided to him about committing suicide, there wasn't really anything he could do. He loved her too much to tell anyone else about it and decided to confront the problem and tried to save her himself, which required a lot of willpower and determination. He couldn't bring himself to kill her too. When she sat crying and pleading to Chris to kill her because she couldn't kill herself, he cried and couldn't pull the trigger. Emily then put her finger over his own and pulled it, causing only his fingerprints to appear on the trigger creating a fake truth that Chris murdered Emily.

Emily, was a weak character. She couldn't stand to not be perfect. She wanted to live up to everybody's expectations. So when she found out that she was pregnant, she was at a loss. She didn't tell her parents, nor did she tell Chris. Because of her actions, Chris was accused of murdering her to get rid of the baby because he's going off to college the next year because nobody knew whether she told him or not, except Chris himself. She wasn't scared of dying, she was scared of not dying.

While Chris gave up everything he had to please Emily, Emily didn't love him enough to trust him to save her. She gave up on everything and just caused trouble for him. I know I'm being biased but it's the truth. He loved her too much to reject any request from her. Emily, she didn't think of what might happen to Chris after she died, she didn't think about what he would do. All in all, she's selfish. If you love someone, you let them help you. Chris put his own wants behind him because what Emily wanted is the opposite of what he wanted.

Just how far are people willing to go for the person they love? 

October 19, 2011

Appreciate Women

Bila SUAMI balik rumah.... Dia jadi heran giler halaman umah berselerak, surat kat peti pos tak berambil, anak-anak tengah main korek-korek tanah kotor, baju compang-camping, penuh dengan tanah dan kotoran, rambut tak bersikat, tak bermandi.. Masuk ke pintu rumah lagi lelaki tu terkejut.

waaa... mana isteri ku...

Ruang tamu lagi teruk berselerak. Lelaki tu melaung nama isterinya.. Sepi tiada jawapan. Masuk ke dapur, sinki penuh dengan pinggan mangkuk tak berbasuh, periuk tak bercuci, mencari apa yang boleh dimakan tetapi tiada makanan yang dimasak. Masuk ke bilik air, baju belum berbasuh apatah lagi berendam. Lelaki itu cemas mencari isterinya. Dia bergegas ke tingkat atas melihat isterinya terbaring di atas katil sedang membaca buku.

fuuu.. lega..

“Awak sakit ke?” tanya lelaki itu. “Tak lah”, jawab isterinya ringkas. “Kenapa teruk sangat rumah kita hari ni?” Tanya si suami lagi sambil meletakkan tangan di dahi isterinya, kot-kot isterinya demam.“Wahai suamiku, semalam semasa kita bertengkar, abg mengatakan yang saya ini hanyalah suri rumah, duduk di rumah tak sepenat diri abg yang duduk di pejabat, dan abg sering menanyakan apa kerja yang saya lakukan di rumah yang menyebabkan saya merungut kepenatan kadang-kadang..

lelaki tu pun berfikir...

Kalau madam takde kat umah, alangkah tenteramnya hidup ini. Boleh buat ape yang kita suka. Boleh belengkar kat depan TV tanpa sebarang gangguan mental dan fizkal. Pendek kata, FreeDoMmmmmlah!! But hairan bin ajaib, when dia betul-betul pergi meaning “She’s Gone”’ aku plak trasa separuh mati. Sehari dua memanglah shiokkk, no one shouting from the kitchen for help, no one to komen this and that, no one to criticize. Everything will be smooth…

hahaha... takde yg nak marah ku...

Tp masuk hari ketige, I felt something missing. Lebih-lebih lagi bila tuala mandi dah berbau ‘asshemmmm’, tak tau la mana nak cari yang baru. Colgate da nak abis, tak tau kat mana dia stock up. Air suam da habis, malas nk boil… Masuk hari keempat, rindu mula terasa...

Apabila rindu mencengkam, semuanya jadi tak tentu arah. Tengok TV citer best pon jadi tak best. Nasik bungkus feberite jadik tak feberite. Makan kat 5 star hotel jadik rasa macam makan kat kedai AA. Lebih-lebih lagi bila laundry basket da makin bertimbun ngan baju kotor. Toilet dah mula licin berdaki.. Lantai dah berbelak, tak dimop.. Every nite, very the lonely, baring atas katil nengok ceiling blindly.. bila lonely gini, baru lah rasa benar kesepian.

Jangan kata sebulan atau setahun, belum seminggu isteri takde kat umah, aku dah rasa separuh pengsan. Masa ni barulah sedar netapa pentingnya seorang wanita bernama isteri… So guys out there.. jgn buli isteri kite. Kalau boleh, tolong dia buat kerja rumah. Bukan dok depan TV every weekend baca paper. Apa ingat dia tu kuli ker?! Maid ker?!! Kan dia tu bini kita, best fren kita, sweetheart kita.. Ingat duit hantaran yang kita kasik dia masa nikah dulu cukup ker nak bayar gaji dia seumur hidup ???

ingat balik..

And furthermore, kan sama2 kerja carik rezeki, sama jugak lah buat kerja rumah. Kadang2 bila poket kita sesak, tak ingat ker dialah orang yang paling dekat terdekat kita nak kenyeng-kenyeng duit. Tak kesian ker nengok bini kita? Dah la satu hari keja kat office, balik pulak kena buat kerja rumah lagi… penat tau! Kalaulah aku diberi peluang jadik seorang wanita,… tak rela!!! So to all mums and wives out there, life will be meaningless without You mothers. Uwaaaaaaa!!



Dari ilham seorang lelaki.. “ Wanita adalah insan istimewa, biarkan mereka terus membebel, merengek atau mengilai seperti Pontianak. Seburukburuk perangai wanita, ia akan terus melekat di hati kita selagi hayat di kandung badan”

Article found from  Himpunan Cerita Sedih

October 17, 2011


Even though I'm sleepy and it's already 10:50 pm, I'm still excited. The Form 3 students have an inter-class competition for netball and football. The football is naturally for the boys while the girls have to play netball.

My class, 3 Inovatif was the first to compete. Haaa we were like "OMG we're first!". We played against Dinamik. I was goal defence during the first half while Sarah was GD during the second half. It was a clean game with lots of whistle sounds -_- we were the first, what did you expect? A seamless game? Think again haha. Even though it was clean, with no severe fouls, one person from Dinamik sweared. Uh oh, that's enough to be considered a foul ~ But we let it go because maybe it was instinct when pushed from behind. Finally, we won with the score 4-0. Iman scored 4 of the goals I think (?).

Our second game was during like, what 10 something or 11-ish... against Cendekia. Cendekia was feared, a lot, by all of us. It was rumoured that they play hard and aggressive. They also have good teamwork. If Idzni, Fithriyaani, Iman, Aiman wasn't in our team, we'd surely lose by what, 6 marks? Haha. It was a tough match and I pushed, a lot. Hey, not fouls okay just shoving with shoulders lightly. I mean, they're girls, and I'm not that mean. But I ain't no angel too haha. I was WA (Wing Attack. Reference for Adriana, our self-appointed coach whose assistant does a better job (Amalia)) for the first half and gave it to Sarah for the second half. Fithriyaani had to be GD because for God's sake we're competing against Cendekia! During the second half and we were leading with 3-2, I was walking to and fro restlessly, continuously asking for how much time is left. When it was 1 minutes and 30 seconds more, the Cendekias realized we were stalling as much as we could so they couldn't score and we would win since the time is so short. Suddenly, a miracle happened. We scored. And after the shoot, time's up. Hehehe so we won by 4-2. Two shoots were scored by Iman, and 2 more by Aiman.

Tomorrow we're fighting against Proactive during like 9 something and then Kreatif during 11 something. Gotta bring sunblock. Wish us Inovatifs luck! Tata.

October 15, 2011


According to Wikipedia...

"The Commonwealth of Nations, normally referred to as the Commonwealth and formerly known as the British Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of fifty-four independent member states."
According to Puan Noormala, there will be a competition just for commonwealth countries hosted by The Royal Commonwealth Society. If you studied History during Form 3, you would know that our country, is a commonwealth country. I have decided to enter one out of a few competitions, that one being the Commonwealth Essay Competition 2012. The others are photographic and vision awards.

Since a friend of mine who has less talent than me in photography had the nerves to talk about the wideness of that person's knowledge of photography (I know that person's just copying what another friend told that person), I've decided I'm going to enter the essay competition and write what that person couldn't : an essay of 1200 words minimum.

Go on, wish me luck. Bye bye.


I'm getting hyped up over... absolutely nothing. Funny how when people are stressed about exams, they tend to say "I can't wait to get this stuff over with" but then when it's over for real, they are like "Ugh this is so boring, I wan't to go back in time". Oh come on people, it's no use whining over how bored you are. People don't care. They just don't. So instead of whining and complaining, try to make the best of your free time before you're tortured again next year.

As for me, I have mapped out a few agendas in the bundle of nerves workshop in my head.

1. Go to Petrosains

    Truth is, I don't like going there too much. Because I've gotten bored of all the attractions. But when it's with friends... now that's a completely different story. The best things over there were the slide and the mini show. The slide because we can hear what the people in the slide is saying because it echoes, loud. Kamal was like "Weeehihihi" and we were laughing our heads off when we heard that. When he got down, he thought people didn't hear him. Too bad dude, we already did. The mini show because... well it was exciting. Plain exciting and fun and funny.

2. Go to Big Bad Wolf Book Sale 2011

    I have never been to a book warehouse sale. Ever. So I was really excited to go there. The prices of the books there are amazingly ridiculous. You can get a hardcover of Shadowland which I bought last year at a price of around RM70 at a price of just RM8. Yes, that cheap. When I walked in, I was like "This is amazing". All the books, piled up, thousands of them, are amazingly breathtaking. Heh, those anti-books people must be like "How can piles of books be breathtaking?". Right. It's a passion.

3. Go to Kuiz Kesihatan Mental 2011

    It was today, you know. Held at the Hospital Serdang Auditorium. Our group consisted of me, Azri, Julaikha and Sarah. After lat tali lat, we decided that me, Azri and Julaikha would compete. Sarah was a spectator. We got 3rd place and won a hamper (we shared them among our classmates) and an 8GB pendrive for the three of us, each. We lost to Sri Ayesha and SMAP Kajang, but it was a fun quiz and we enjoyed ourselves :)

4. Read all books in the waiting list

    There are so many books in the waiting list, I can't possibly list all of them.

5. Go swimming

    Please, even once during this 2 month rest, I would like to go swimming...

6. Cycle around the neighbourhood

7. Do and finish a presentation on road safety

8. Cook and bake

Well, I think that's all -_- that's enough to keep me from moaning "this is boooooriiiing". Byebye

October 10, 2011

Sweet Turned Bitter

PMR is over so I won't be using Bahasa Melayu for my posts anymore. Well, maybe when SPM is near I'll do it again. After that... I don't think I'll be having any more Bahasa examinations...

This day is supposed to be a joyous day for us who don't have exams tomorrow. But for me... this day turned out to be a day to be remembered as a sad, sad day. Who wouldn't be sad if the person who took care of them when they were small, passed away?

My great-grandmother passed away this morning, at the age of 86, only about two months after my family and my aunt's family celebrated her 86th birthday. During her birthday celebration, she said something like "haha nak masuk kubur dah baru hari jadi". Didn't really expect it to be true... She got TB just a few weeks ago and had to be hospitalized. My maid said that my great-grandmother told her she saw two people in white walk into the ward in the middle of the night. I don't know who those are. She did not die out of TB. She was cured and brought back to Taiping before she let out her last breath.

My great-grandmother was a very strong woman. Even at the age of 80-ish, she was still able to walk without a walking stick. When I was five, I always refused to take a shower since I was too lazy. She had the courtesy of chasing after me in circles while holding a cane. I was faster haha but eventually I took the shower.

When I was a baby, just two months old, I was sent to my mom's hometown, Taiping, because we didn't have a maid back then... My great-grandmother always gave me a bath. I saw a photo of me in all my naked glory, in a large, crimson basin and my great-grandmother's old, wrinkled, clad in gold hands.

I can't bring myself to write anymore. For those who are kind enough to spare a few seconds, please recite the Al-Fatihah for her and pray for her.
