I'm TOTALLY addicted to manga right now!! Atiqah, why did u ever suggest that site?? Now I can't stop thinking about this unfinished manga I read for a few hours.
I really hate the guy's fiancee, he doesn't love her so go away. She's messing with Kai n Yuzuru's relationship. Oh man I hate the stupid Kayaka!! Sorry I'm blabbering about something you don't understand. But I'm really pissed off with the Kayaka girl.
Yeah I mean Yuzu tried to be nice to her but she was all cocky (4 the guys, don't think about the thing...). I feel like I wanna punch her till she died. Then Kai n Yuzu can live happily ever after. This manga is not recommended for young kids or totally innocent girls. And again 4 the guys, the manga is not hentai. So I won't put the title of the manga. So the innocent girls (like most of my friends) can't read the manga.
Today I skipped marching practice, but it rained, so it didn't matter if I came or not. Me and Atiqah went to Secret Recipe, right Atiqah...? Haha. It was so funny!!
I think that's all I wanted to say 4 now. Ta-ta!
ko ni... cite ni kan ade bk semut..haha~
jln cite die best laaa.. kalo aku nk tgk semut je, baek aku g site blue je trus. xya bace intro lame2(ye ke?)
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