Okay, last night, I joined a conference at Facebook. I created the conference. It consists of me, ******, and *****. I'm not stupid to reveal their names. We talked about *********, if you can't see the conference we made, don't feel bad. I set the privacy setting to only us 3. Hee =D
It was kinda fun, you know. Yeah, at first, we bad-mouthed that guy. I mean, hey, he was so freakin bad, we can't help ourselves. Well, I swore a bit, okay, it's not a bit, but it's not too much. Then I asked them should I scan the pic of the ******* I drew during the moment of boredom after I finished the Geography paper. A said "scan!" B said scan it then print it out on a huge paper, then what else, use the elephant glue (kah3....) and paste it right on his ugly face then will he think he's so handsome? Haha I doubt it. hee =D
It was kinda fun =D,
OK I admit it, I loved it.
ahahaha...mcm knal jer bende nie
hahaha tu ah, cam knal je. hahaha
sper punyer agaknyer
ntah ar...
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