So, there's a family tree for 3 Inovatif 2011. But it doesn't consist of all members. Sorry to those who are not in here. This family tree is created due to the creative minds of my friends and also me.
So let me explain how this family tree goes. Adriana married Aswan and got 2 boys, Aiman and Fikri. Sarah laughed because the colours are so... contra. Sorry :/ Then Fikri marries Afrina and gets Sarah Athina.
I got adopted by a single mom, Iman. And I got married to, look at the picture, and got Sarah and Amalia. They're twins. But one ovum is not fully developed so that ovum is fertilised and turns into Sarah. The other one is fully matured so it becomes Amalia. Sarah is stubborn since she says "mummy and daddy degil. dapat genetic due2, jadi lagi degil". Okay, stop with the excuses, Sarah.
Now for my neighbour. Our neighbour is Saiful who gets married with Idzni and gets a baby named Fithriyaani. Fithriyaani then marries Naim who is a van driver. I wanted to write lorry driver but Sarah insisted otherwise.
Let me remind you one more time, this family tree is made just for entertainment purposes solely. And it's not from my brain only, it's mainly from my friends'. I just play the role of the secretary.
luckily i'm the fully matured ovum hahaha -amalia-
haha..asal aku ngan aswan lak..sejk ble lak nih??!!haishh..x lawak..gentle gedebok!!!-adri-
aduh hahahaha semua anon ah korang ni.
@aiman gelak lagi gelakkk :D
@amalia haha untunglahhhh
@dana sejak hari tu ahhh. sori doe lawak 'gentle gedebok' kau tu x lawak da ble kau x jatuh daaaa. asal tak lawak aaa post aku nii ko dah gelak
ko an style aku..x lwak tpi aku gelk tu means aku mock la..haishhh:p-adri-
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