Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

May 4, 2011

Walking Home

I just got back. I walked back home from school. My bike is not in good conditions any more, for now. So I'll stick to walking home from school. I know, it's far. Like, more than 500m maybe. But if it's with a friend, then I don't mind.

There was no koko today for me, since UBK cancelled the meeting :) Happy ni. Haha so I watched guys play takraw. It was fun. Sarah and I talked to Izzy, she spent most of the time talking to him, I just listened and said some things occasionally. He asked if Aiman and I are an item. I said 'asaaaal ah' but sadly an hour later he found out in the middle of the road.

I don't like telling things about my relationship here, so I'll end this now please and thank you.


Atiqah Abd Rahim said...
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Atiqah Abd Rahim said...

hai assalamualaikum. =D

so.. macam mana ko lately? ok? well.. kite jumpe setiap pagi kat perhimpunan tapi entah kenape kite buat macam tak kenal. diri sebelah2 pulak tu. ke aku je? sorry kalau ko rase aku je. bile kite tak ckp mcm ni la yg aku realize yg you're really someone important to me because kalau tak aku tak kan akhir kan hari aku dengan soalan 'dania macam mane ek?' etc2 setiap mlm sebelom aku tido because we rarely talk anymore so i feel like i know less and less things about you lately because there's always a part of us that changes everyday. plus, you write such weird posts that always puts a question mark in my head every time i read it. haha. lagi aku rase mcm aku tak kenal ko sgt dah.

jadi, kalau ko rase msg aku ni touching =P, chat ke ape lah ngan aku eh (sbb nak ckp in real life sekarang cam awkward la pulak) haha =P

someone (somehow) who has become your ex-best friend (is there such a term? haha),

P/s: haha tgk aku bebel byk mane dah =P