Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

May 19, 2010

La vie est censée être vécue

Did you notice? The title's in French. Google it up if you like.

I moved on already. I don't have a crush on Amin Khalili anymore. I don't wanna tell you guys publicly about the reason coz it's gonna look like I'm saying bad things behind him. And I don't want that, right?

Life must be continued.
To be lived to its fullest.
To be cherished all the time.
You never get a second shot in life.
No matter how much you pray.
So NEVER regret living.
NEVER ask questions about why you were borned.
Allah the Almighty gave us life.
NEVER waste the precious gift.

Vivons aujourd'hui, comme c'est le dernier jour que vous aurez jamais vivre


Atiqah Abd Rahim said...

kenape~ mesti ade name die jee.. ckp la psl ak ke hahaa =)

Yaya said...

nk gtau org ramai (ramai la sgt kan..) yg aku x ske amin da.

Atiqah Abd Rahim said...

ko asyik ckp psl die je...obvious sgt ko msih ske die...anybody would know that..even if u try to deny it =P

Rhea said...

yela2... ngah try nk get over die je