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March 7, 2011

Once Upon A Yesterday

Okay I forgot to tell Pn Zanariah about the test I took. Yeah, the Permata Pintar test. Never mind, tomorrow.

Four subjects down, four more subjects. Bring it on. On second thought, no, don't bring it on. I'm not prepared hehe. I had a fever in the morning but I swallowed 2 large paracetamol pills like a boss. But my face was still flushed. It got well during the English test I think. So I'm very sorry, Puan Norlina, if my essay and summary has zero quality.

So, now that I have time, I'll tell you guys a story. 'She' in the story refers to one girl only.

Once upon a time, a girl had a Facebook. When she logs in, she'll always open her crush's profile. But her heart was crushed multiple times. She saw another girl on his profile, constantly making comments and wall posts.

She decided to confront her crush. She asked him whether he likes that girl or not. He said no, they're just friends. But that girl was really getting on her nerve. And so blablabla, I'm too lazy to tell the full story.

And it is related to the post titled "Cover" . So I won't tell you the full story. She decided Facebook has no benefits so she deactivated her account. But her crush and his girlfriend tu, kami taktau la apesai ngan depa, depa pikiaq pompuan tu nak block depa. Please, she's not a coward to go block people. Try her, bring it on, bro.

And that girl does not make indirect statuses with no name. But her crush does. Just put her name, or is he scared that her wrath will befall them? No, I don't think so.

The ending of the story is... She loved and still loves her 'kasut ladam' so much and is imagining of feeding one of her shoes into someone's mouth. She hates her crush and does not like him anymore.

Moral of the story : Don't try to fool someone who ranks in the top 10 of the form.

Sabar, sabar, tak habis lagi cite. She is me. JSYK.

The End

cool story eh?


Anonymous said...

tak guna kalau jadi top 10 tapi berlagak. senang aje Allah nak tarik nikmat tu. cuba bayangkan kalau kau no 313 dalam batch, dan ada sorang ni ckp 'eh aku top 10 ok', apa kau rasa? mesti rasa benci, marah, menyampah dll kan? aku tau kau budak pandai, tapi jgn la takbur.

Anonymous said...

ni tegur je. don't be mad. kalau terasa, sorry. hey, cheers!

Atiqah Abd Rahim said...

ko tiru aku eh buat 'story' hehehe

Rhea said...

anon : banyak kau tegur. aku tengah bengang semua keluar lah. tapi ok, aku trime je la ko tegur. aku nak point out kat moral tu yang aku tak bodoh ngan a simple lie takleh tipu aku. bukannye nak belagak. paham?

atiqah : hehe aah

Unknown said...
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oh heyyyy,and,what is JSYK anyway?? *u know,just updating people's blog,just wanna leave a comment,and,yeah,just,hye...?an awkward hye maybe.

Rhea said...

Kibou no kioku : Hi there! Oh and JSYK stands for Just So You Know.

It's a Tumblr influence.

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