Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

December 22, 2011


As most of you already know, I am a 15 year old student/girl. And as almost the whole Malaysia knows, the results for the PMR 2011 is out today. But seriously, there was this shopkeeper or cashier whoever she is, she didn't know a thing about this! Talk about not watching the news. Not to badmouth but, don't adults usually watch news, read newspapers? Oh well, maybe she doesn't have a relative who took PMR this year. I went to a sort of grocery shop, or is Double Four classified as a mini shop? Haha whatever. I was wearing my school uniform, and she was like "Ada SPM lagi ke?" and I was like in my heart "okay... she doesn't seem like to have a Twitter", I replied "tak lah, PMR.". She suddenly got weird and asked "Tengah PMR ke sekarang?". In my heart I was like "Gosh lady, it's the results not the exam itself today!" but I said "Tak, hari ni ambil result.". Then she was like all surprised and whatnots and said "Ehh, hari ni ke?". Yes ma'am, it's today...

So I sauntered (LOL okay no I went to the car) to school. Only a handful of students were there. I was afraid I'd be the odd one out wearing proper school uniform, but it turned out that I was lucky! The students who wore other clothes besides the school uniform must go back and change. Hehehe I thank Adriana for calling the school. Or was it her mum... Aaaanyway, Sarah got her results by 10.10 am. All of us were scared and nervous and having chest pains and whatnots. I texted the 15888 at 10.08, and I got the reply at 11.00 am, touché. We had to wait for soooo-oh-ooooo long for the slip. But my nervousness ended early because I got the text at 11.00 am or something. Guess what I got? Hehehehe here, I'll show you the most valuable 20 sen message I ever got!

RM0.20 PMR: 960527...... BD113K... 8A. Keputusan penuh boleh diperolehi di
Sekolah/JPN. Terima Kasih.

Okay so the scary part ended for me, all there's left to do is share it with mummy and daddy. Daddy didn't want to come because there's mummy. Please daddy, mummy doesn't care sangat pun. And then, the slips were released! 

My class, 3 Inovatif, is the only class which all the students in it got straight As. Inos2011 rule! Like the twitter hashtag #OnlyIn3Inovatif2011. The hashtag was actually created by me just without the 2011, but someone added the 2011 and... yeah it got famous. Ugh damn you, you someone. So SMK Jalan Empat has a total of 228 students out of 300+ who got straight As for the 2011 PMR! Go JESS! Haha why am I suddenly so proud about the school.

EDIT : I forgot to put a screencap of something! I definitely must must must put it here! Muhammad Shukril Naim got an A for his Bahasa Melayu! You certainly made Puan Norlina proud today. 

p/s : I still hate the person who marked Syazana's papers...

December 18, 2011

Appreciated :)

I know the post below is like sort of nothing pun but it's great to see someone who appreciates it. You get this feeling of... I don't know, a warm fuzzy feeling when your work, your words, is appreciated like this (look below)

This is me being annoying to get attention

Aaaaand this is me being appreciated :D

So the conclusion is...
if you put your heart to it, someone will appreciate what you do :)

Happy Birthday Aliya!

Today's Aliya's birthday. She's one of my best friends who stuck with me through thick and thin. Even though since we went to JESS, we sort of had less time spent with each other, we're still sort of best friends, right? She's turning 15 today aww so proud of my boo boo cehh hahaha. Even though she's younger than me, she's so tall ._.

I first met her when I went to an ABIM branch near my house, because my mom wanted me to study more about Islam. She's the first one to greet an awkward and very alone me. But I didn't get to sit beside her because she sat next to Amalina. I sat in front of her and next to Mimi. Soon, they both were jealous and wanted my attention lol they're so cute. Ah.. I still remember Aliya pulling my skirt so I won't move places next to Mimi since at the time I was sitting next to Atika. And then when my number got blocked because Hanna jammed the lock, I changed numbers. Aliya texted Acap and asked if I changed my number and asked for my new number. She herself confessed her jealousy. Hahaha how cute, Aliya. But soon the three of us became best friends and went to school together the next year. But then it became just Mimi and I since Aliya had her Arabic class during the morning... After that, it was just Bibik and me since Mimi transferred schools :(

So here are some of the pictures of Me, Aliya and some with Mimi. Ah, the sweet memories :)

Okay I know I was so chubby

Mimi, Me, Aliya

After the ABIM Ihtifal 2008

Me, Aliya, Ustazah Jun, Mimi, Yaya

Me and Aliya

Me and Aliya again

December 15, 2011


Atiqah just got back from Japan. I am tremendously jealous of her. She got to stay with a real Japanese family, go to a Japanese school and to sum things up, she really lived like a Japanese T.T I wish I had gone there too. While she was there enjoying herself, I'm stuck here in Malaysia playing games till morning. Takpalah, there's no use getting jealous pun. It's not like I can do anything about it, right?

On the other hand, I'm going to Singapore on the 25th :D Yeah, yeah, it's not Japan. But still, it's still another country. I helped book the flight and tickets to Universal Studios Singapore, THE FLIGHT BOOKING WAS VERY HARD. You know Jetstar, yeah that one, I typed in all the credit card details and stuff, then suddenly when it was processing, the server timed out! The frustration... Then we went to Air Asia site and it was tedious work filling out each of the guest names (P/S : we're going with Alang's family, so it'll total up to 8 people. YES EIGHT.) Suddenly, Alang got a confirmation from Jetstar and we were like "what? didn't it time out?". So she called Citibank or whatever it is and it turned out the booking was successful. What a waste of time filling out all the details...

Booking the tickets for Universal Studios was easy. We also bought the express pass which costs $50 each. So we don't have to que :3 Hehe so long queues!

December 14, 2011


Alhamdulillah after so long, this blog is finally free from the virus Google said it had. I, for one, have never posted any malicious link on this blog. Every posted link have been viewed before posting so it must be because of some mistake :/

When was the last time I posted on this blog eh? Maybe it was a long time ago, but I don't care. I miss this blog so dearly and I will continue writing all my misadventures and whatnots here. Due to the lack of blogging, I haven't accustomed myself to write long paragraphs so my posts might be shorter than before. Oh dear, I really miss this blog!

October 23, 2011

The Pact

So, I'm currently working on a book challenge, which is to read 700 books... And I've read only 55 so far... Never mind, I'm not setting a time for the challenge anyway. The 55th book I've read is The Pact by Jodi Picoult.

The novel is about two teenagers, Chris Harte and Emily Gold, who have known each other their whole life. Considering their closeness, it was no surprise when their friendship turned into romance. One night, their families were awoken with calls from the hospital. Emily was dead from a gunshot wound to the head and Chris was injured. He became a suspect and was put into jail when his family was celebrating his 18th birthday. I pity him. But then he told the truth and his awesome lawyer, Jordan McAfee said some stuffs that convinced the jury, he was found not guilty of a first degree murder.

The ending is not somewhat like in fairytale stories, but it didn't suck either. I pity Chris, a lot. He's like the victim of circumstances, much like Erik in Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera. When Emily confided to him about committing suicide, there wasn't really anything he could do. He loved her too much to tell anyone else about it and decided to confront the problem and tried to save her himself, which required a lot of willpower and determination. He couldn't bring himself to kill her too. When she sat crying and pleading to Chris to kill her because she couldn't kill herself, he cried and couldn't pull the trigger. Emily then put her finger over his own and pulled it, causing only his fingerprints to appear on the trigger creating a fake truth that Chris murdered Emily.

Emily, was a weak character. She couldn't stand to not be perfect. She wanted to live up to everybody's expectations. So when she found out that she was pregnant, she was at a loss. She didn't tell her parents, nor did she tell Chris. Because of her actions, Chris was accused of murdering her to get rid of the baby because he's going off to college the next year because nobody knew whether she told him or not, except Chris himself. She wasn't scared of dying, she was scared of not dying.

While Chris gave up everything he had to please Emily, Emily didn't love him enough to trust him to save her. She gave up on everything and just caused trouble for him. I know I'm being biased but it's the truth. He loved her too much to reject any request from her. Emily, she didn't think of what might happen to Chris after she died, she didn't think about what he would do. All in all, she's selfish. If you love someone, you let them help you. Chris put his own wants behind him because what Emily wanted is the opposite of what he wanted.

Just how far are people willing to go for the person they love? 

October 19, 2011

Appreciate Women

Bila SUAMI balik rumah.... Dia jadi heran giler halaman umah berselerak, surat kat peti pos tak berambil, anak-anak tengah main korek-korek tanah kotor, baju compang-camping, penuh dengan tanah dan kotoran, rambut tak bersikat, tak bermandi.. Masuk ke pintu rumah lagi lelaki tu terkejut.

waaa... mana isteri ku...

Ruang tamu lagi teruk berselerak. Lelaki tu melaung nama isterinya.. Sepi tiada jawapan. Masuk ke dapur, sinki penuh dengan pinggan mangkuk tak berbasuh, periuk tak bercuci, mencari apa yang boleh dimakan tetapi tiada makanan yang dimasak. Masuk ke bilik air, baju belum berbasuh apatah lagi berendam. Lelaki itu cemas mencari isterinya. Dia bergegas ke tingkat atas melihat isterinya terbaring di atas katil sedang membaca buku.

fuuu.. lega..

“Awak sakit ke?” tanya lelaki itu. “Tak lah”, jawab isterinya ringkas. “Kenapa teruk sangat rumah kita hari ni?” Tanya si suami lagi sambil meletakkan tangan di dahi isterinya, kot-kot isterinya demam.“Wahai suamiku, semalam semasa kita bertengkar, abg mengatakan yang saya ini hanyalah suri rumah, duduk di rumah tak sepenat diri abg yang duduk di pejabat, dan abg sering menanyakan apa kerja yang saya lakukan di rumah yang menyebabkan saya merungut kepenatan kadang-kadang..

lelaki tu pun berfikir...

Kalau madam takde kat umah, alangkah tenteramnya hidup ini. Boleh buat ape yang kita suka. Boleh belengkar kat depan TV tanpa sebarang gangguan mental dan fizkal. Pendek kata, FreeDoMmmmmlah!! But hairan bin ajaib, when dia betul-betul pergi meaning “She’s Gone”’ aku plak trasa separuh mati. Sehari dua memanglah shiokkk, no one shouting from the kitchen for help, no one to komen this and that, no one to criticize. Everything will be smooth…

hahaha... takde yg nak marah ku...

Tp masuk hari ketige, I felt something missing. Lebih-lebih lagi bila tuala mandi dah berbau ‘asshemmmm’, tak tau la mana nak cari yang baru. Colgate da nak abis, tak tau kat mana dia stock up. Air suam da habis, malas nk boil… Masuk hari keempat, rindu mula terasa...

Apabila rindu mencengkam, semuanya jadi tak tentu arah. Tengok TV citer best pon jadi tak best. Nasik bungkus feberite jadik tak feberite. Makan kat 5 star hotel jadik rasa macam makan kat kedai AA. Lebih-lebih lagi bila laundry basket da makin bertimbun ngan baju kotor. Toilet dah mula licin berdaki.. Lantai dah berbelak, tak dimop.. Every nite, very the lonely, baring atas katil nengok ceiling blindly.. bila lonely gini, baru lah rasa benar kesepian.

Jangan kata sebulan atau setahun, belum seminggu isteri takde kat umah, aku dah rasa separuh pengsan. Masa ni barulah sedar netapa pentingnya seorang wanita bernama isteri… So guys out there.. jgn buli isteri kite. Kalau boleh, tolong dia buat kerja rumah. Bukan dok depan TV every weekend baca paper. Apa ingat dia tu kuli ker?! Maid ker?!! Kan dia tu bini kita, best fren kita, sweetheart kita.. Ingat duit hantaran yang kita kasik dia masa nikah dulu cukup ker nak bayar gaji dia seumur hidup ???

ingat balik..

And furthermore, kan sama2 kerja carik rezeki, sama jugak lah buat kerja rumah. Kadang2 bila poket kita sesak, tak ingat ker dialah orang yang paling dekat terdekat kita nak kenyeng-kenyeng duit. Tak kesian ker nengok bini kita? Dah la satu hari keja kat office, balik pulak kena buat kerja rumah lagi… penat tau! Kalaulah aku diberi peluang jadik seorang wanita,… tak rela!!! So to all mums and wives out there, life will be meaningless without You mothers. Uwaaaaaaa!!



Dari ilham seorang lelaki.. “ Wanita adalah insan istimewa, biarkan mereka terus membebel, merengek atau mengilai seperti Pontianak. Seburukburuk perangai wanita, ia akan terus melekat di hati kita selagi hayat di kandung badan”

Article found from  Himpunan Cerita Sedih

October 17, 2011


Even though I'm sleepy and it's already 10:50 pm, I'm still excited. The Form 3 students have an inter-class competition for netball and football. The football is naturally for the boys while the girls have to play netball.

My class, 3 Inovatif was the first to compete. Haaa we were like "OMG we're first!". We played against Dinamik. I was goal defence during the first half while Sarah was GD during the second half. It was a clean game with lots of whistle sounds -_- we were the first, what did you expect? A seamless game? Think again haha. Even though it was clean, with no severe fouls, one person from Dinamik sweared. Uh oh, that's enough to be considered a foul ~ But we let it go because maybe it was instinct when pushed from behind. Finally, we won with the score 4-0. Iman scored 4 of the goals I think (?).

Our second game was during like, what 10 something or 11-ish... against Cendekia. Cendekia was feared, a lot, by all of us. It was rumoured that they play hard and aggressive. They also have good teamwork. If Idzni, Fithriyaani, Iman, Aiman wasn't in our team, we'd surely lose by what, 6 marks? Haha. It was a tough match and I pushed, a lot. Hey, not fouls okay just shoving with shoulders lightly. I mean, they're girls, and I'm not that mean. But I ain't no angel too haha. I was WA (Wing Attack. Reference for Adriana, our self-appointed coach whose assistant does a better job (Amalia)) for the first half and gave it to Sarah for the second half. Fithriyaani had to be GD because for God's sake we're competing against Cendekia! During the second half and we were leading with 3-2, I was walking to and fro restlessly, continuously asking for how much time is left. When it was 1 minutes and 30 seconds more, the Cendekias realized we were stalling as much as we could so they couldn't score and we would win since the time is so short. Suddenly, a miracle happened. We scored. And after the shoot, time's up. Hehehe so we won by 4-2. Two shoots were scored by Iman, and 2 more by Aiman.

Tomorrow we're fighting against Proactive during like 9 something and then Kreatif during 11 something. Gotta bring sunblock. Wish us Inovatifs luck! Tata.

October 15, 2011


According to Wikipedia...

"The Commonwealth of Nations, normally referred to as the Commonwealth and formerly known as the British Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of fifty-four independent member states."
According to Puan Noormala, there will be a competition just for commonwealth countries hosted by The Royal Commonwealth Society. If you studied History during Form 3, you would know that our country, is a commonwealth country. I have decided to enter one out of a few competitions, that one being the Commonwealth Essay Competition 2012. The others are photographic and vision awards.

Since a friend of mine who has less talent than me in photography had the nerves to talk about the wideness of that person's knowledge of photography (I know that person's just copying what another friend told that person), I've decided I'm going to enter the essay competition and write what that person couldn't : an essay of 1200 words minimum.

Go on, wish me luck. Bye bye.


I'm getting hyped up over... absolutely nothing. Funny how when people are stressed about exams, they tend to say "I can't wait to get this stuff over with" but then when it's over for real, they are like "Ugh this is so boring, I wan't to go back in time". Oh come on people, it's no use whining over how bored you are. People don't care. They just don't. So instead of whining and complaining, try to make the best of your free time before you're tortured again next year.

As for me, I have mapped out a few agendas in the bundle of nerves workshop in my head.

1. Go to Petrosains

    Truth is, I don't like going there too much. Because I've gotten bored of all the attractions. But when it's with friends... now that's a completely different story. The best things over there were the slide and the mini show. The slide because we can hear what the people in the slide is saying because it echoes, loud. Kamal was like "Weeehihihi" and we were laughing our heads off when we heard that. When he got down, he thought people didn't hear him. Too bad dude, we already did. The mini show because... well it was exciting. Plain exciting and fun and funny.

2. Go to Big Bad Wolf Book Sale 2011

    I have never been to a book warehouse sale. Ever. So I was really excited to go there. The prices of the books there are amazingly ridiculous. You can get a hardcover of Shadowland which I bought last year at a price of around RM70 at a price of just RM8. Yes, that cheap. When I walked in, I was like "This is amazing". All the books, piled up, thousands of them, are amazingly breathtaking. Heh, those anti-books people must be like "How can piles of books be breathtaking?". Right. It's a passion.

3. Go to Kuiz Kesihatan Mental 2011

    It was today, you know. Held at the Hospital Serdang Auditorium. Our group consisted of me, Azri, Julaikha and Sarah. After lat tali lat, we decided that me, Azri and Julaikha would compete. Sarah was a spectator. We got 3rd place and won a hamper (we shared them among our classmates) and an 8GB pendrive for the three of us, each. We lost to Sri Ayesha and SMAP Kajang, but it was a fun quiz and we enjoyed ourselves :)

4. Read all books in the waiting list

    There are so many books in the waiting list, I can't possibly list all of them.

5. Go swimming

    Please, even once during this 2 month rest, I would like to go swimming...

6. Cycle around the neighbourhood

7. Do and finish a presentation on road safety

8. Cook and bake

Well, I think that's all -_- that's enough to keep me from moaning "this is boooooriiiing". Byebye

October 10, 2011

Sweet Turned Bitter

PMR is over so I won't be using Bahasa Melayu for my posts anymore. Well, maybe when SPM is near I'll do it again. After that... I don't think I'll be having any more Bahasa examinations...

This day is supposed to be a joyous day for us who don't have exams tomorrow. But for me... this day turned out to be a day to be remembered as a sad, sad day. Who wouldn't be sad if the person who took care of them when they were small, passed away?

My great-grandmother passed away this morning, at the age of 86, only about two months after my family and my aunt's family celebrated her 86th birthday. During her birthday celebration, she said something like "haha nak masuk kubur dah baru hari jadi". Didn't really expect it to be true... She got TB just a few weeks ago and had to be hospitalized. My maid said that my great-grandmother told her she saw two people in white walk into the ward in the middle of the night. I don't know who those are. She did not die out of TB. She was cured and brought back to Taiping before she let out her last breath.

My great-grandmother was a very strong woman. Even at the age of 80-ish, she was still able to walk without a walking stick. When I was five, I always refused to take a shower since I was too lazy. She had the courtesy of chasing after me in circles while holding a cane. I was faster haha but eventually I took the shower.

When I was a baby, just two months old, I was sent to my mom's hometown, Taiping, because we didn't have a maid back then... My great-grandmother always gave me a bath. I saw a photo of me in all my naked glory, in a large, crimson basin and my great-grandmother's old, wrinkled, clad in gold hands.

I can't bring myself to write anymore. For those who are kind enough to spare a few seconds, please recite the Al-Fatihah for her and pray for her.


September 28, 2011


Dalam era pascamodenisasi ini, kita sering dibelenggu dengan pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran. Pada saat-saat ini, dugaan yang amat besar sedang menimpa pelajar-pelajar yang berumur lima belas tahun kerana mereka bakal menduduki peperiksaan yang mungkin akan menentukan kejayaan mereka dalam medan perjuangan. Diri saya sendiri tidak terlepas daripada ujian kurniaan Allah ini.

Oleh sebab keputusan Peperiksaan Percubaan Penilaian Menengah Rendah saya tidak memberangsangkan, saya bertekad untuk insaf. Saya ingin memperbaik kemahiran menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu dan memperluas kosa kata saya. Hal ini demikian kerana saya telah ditimpa dengan 'B' yang amat mengecewakan. 78 peratus itu bukanlah senang untuk dilupakan dalam peperiksaan yang begitu penting. Amatlah mengejutkan kerana saya, seorang insan bergelar Melayu, mendapat "Kepujian" sahaja dalam mata pelajaran yang berkisar dengan bahasa sendiri tetapi mendapat "Cemerlang" dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. 

Mesej ini ditujukan khas kepada insan-insan yang sudi membaca penulisan saya ini 

"Saya akan menduduki peperiksaan yang penting. Tolong doakan kejayaan saya. Apabila saya mula menulis dalam bahasa asli saya, maknanya saya benar-benar terdesak. Harap maklum."

"Pastikan 8A dalam genggaman" -Ustazah Anidah 


September 15, 2011

Wands, House Pride, Cedric

Gonna rant about Pottermore. If you don't like it, leave now. If you do, good for you.

My wand is a hard, 13 inches long Ash with Dragon Heartstring core. It says the wand chooses the wizard, and this beauty chose me. When I got it, I was wondering how did it choose me. After I unlocked J.K. Rowling's writing, then I knew. The characteristics fit me perfectly! 

 "Each wand, from the moment it finds its ideal owner, will begin to learn from and teach its human partner."

Length and flexibility

"Longer wands might suit taller wizards, but they tend to be drawn to bigger personalities, and those of a more spacious and dramatic style of magic."
"Wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair"


"The ash wand cleaves to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, because it will lose power and skill..........The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant."


"As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental."

Muehehehe can you see the resemblance? Suit taller wizards : the average height for a Malaysian woman is 153.3 cm. I'm 161cm. Check. Stubborn : no need for explanations. Almost everyone who knows me knows my stubbornness. Check. Bravo, my wand is a hard one, so the wand-and-me pair is not willing to change and adapt, since it's hard.

Guess what house am I sorted in?


Do not mock me, or I will hex you into this house. I was a tad disappointed when I got sorted into this house as I wasn't expecting it at all. I was expecting something like Slytherin or Ravenclaw, so I was like "really? no, REALLY?" when I got sorted into Hufflepuff. 

After the Mathematics examination today, I have truly found the Hufflepuff sense in me. You see, the Sorting Hat sorts us into a house that reflects who we are and what we are capable of and brings out the best in us even if we never thought it existed in the first place. 

"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil"

I can't say for certain that I'm unafraid of toil, but I guess I am true. I avoid twisting other people's words and trust towards me, and I hate people who loves to twist words. For example, when a person tells you to read it at home, and a friend said "it doesn't say don't tell anyone". I just despise those twisting and windings. You can wind yourself up and see if you like it. 

The welcome speech for Hufflepuff by the prefect Gabriel Truman made me love being a Hufflepuff. It nudged my Hufflepuff side and it woke up to bloom, and it's still blooming. 

"Our emblem is the badger, an animal that is often underestimated, because it lives quietly until attacked, but which, when provoked, can fight off animals much larger than itself, including wolves."
"Now, there are a few things you should know about Hufflepuff house. First of all, let’s deal with a perennial myth about the place, which is that we’re the least clever house. WRONG. Hufflepuff is certainly the least boastful house, but we’ve produced just as many brilliant witches and wizards as any other. Want proof? Look up Grogan Stump, one of the most popular Ministers for Magic of all time. He was a Hufflepuff – as were the successful Ministers Artemesia Lufkin and Dugald McPhail. Then there’s the world authority on magical creatures, Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded the all-wizarding village of Hogsmeade, which lies very near Hogwarts School. Hufflepuffs all."
You forgot this hot ahem, brave Hufflepuff

"So, as you can see, we’ve produced more than our fair share of powerful, brilliant and daring witches and wizards, but, just because we don’t shout about it, we don’t get the credit we deserve."

I think I'm gonna cry D':

This is Nymphadora Tonks, another brave Hufflepuff.
"’s true that Hufflepuff is a bit lacking in one area. We’ve produced the fewest Dark wizards of any house in this school. Of course, you’d expect Slytherin to churn out evil-doers, seeing as they’ve never heard of fair play and prefer cheating over hard work any day, but even Gryffindor (the house we get on best with) has produced a few dodgy characters."
Does a certain rat ring a bell?  

"We are the only house at Hogwarts that also has a repelling device for would-be intruders. ...the illegal entrant is doused in vinegar."
"You will hear other houses boast of their security arrangements, but it so happens that in more than a thousand years, the Hufflepuff common room and dormitories have never been seen by outsiders. Like badgers, we know exactly how to lie low – and how to defend ourselves."
"... you will emerge into the cosiest common room of them all. It is round and earthy and low-ceilinged; it always feels sunny, and its circular windows have a view of rippling grass and dandelions."
There is a lot of burnished copper about the place, and many plants, which either hang from the ceiling or sit on the windowsills. Our Head of house, Professor Pomona Sprout, is Head of Herbology, and she brings the most interesting specimens (some of which dance and talk) to decorate our room – one reason why Hufflepuffs are often very good at Herbology. Our overstuffed sofas and chairs are upholstered in yellow and black, and our dormitories are reached through round doors in the walls of the common room. Copper lamps cast a warm light over our four-posters, all of which are covered in patchwork quilts, and copper bed warmers hang on the walls, should you have cold feet."

"Our house ghost is the friendliest of them all: the Fat Friar. You’ll recognise him easily enough; he’s plump and wears monk’s robes, and he’s very helpful if you get lost or are in any kind of trouble." 

"I think that’s nearly everything. I must say, I hope some of you are good Quidditch players. Hufflepuff hasn’t done as well as I’d like in the Quidditch tournament lately.
You should sleep comfortably. We’re protected from storms and wind down in our dormitories; we never have the disturbed nights those in the towers sometimes experience."
That Seeker is Cedric Diggory.

Hail Hufflepuffs! 

September 6, 2011

Vitamin D


I found this article on Yahoo! when I was looking at my inbox for any possible Pottermore e-mail. I have to say this article is very interesting. Ah, the sweet satisfaction of knowledge. Enjoy. I think I'm gonna ask mummy for vitamin D supplements... We only have vitamin A and vitamin C supplements here.

This vitamin's biggest claim to fame is its role in strengthening your skeleton. But vitamin D isn't a one-trick nutrient: A study in Circulationfound that people deficient in D were up to 80 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. The reason? Vitamin D may reduce inflammation in your arteries. Also, a University of Minnesota study found that people with adequate vitamin D levels release more leptin, a hormone that conveys the "I'm full" message to your brain. Even more impressive, the study also found that the nutrient triggers weight loss primarily from the belly. Another study found that people with higher D levels in their bloodstream store less fat.
The shortfall: Vitamin D is created in your body when the sun's ultraviolet B rays penetrate your skin. Problem is, the vitamin D you stockpile during sunnier months is often depleted by winter, especially if you live in the northern half of the United States, where UVB rays are less intense from November through February. When Boston University researchers measured the vitamin D status of young adults at the end of winter, 36 percent of them were found to be deficient.
Hit the mark: First, ask your doctor to test your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. "You need to be above 30 nanograms per milliliter," says Michael Holick, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of medicine at Boston University. Come up short? Eat foods like salmon (900 IU per serving), mackerel (400 IU), and tuna (150 IU). Milk and eggs are also good, with about 100 IU per serving. But to ensure you're getting enough, take 1,400 IU of vitamin D daily from a supplement and a multivitamin. That's about seven times the recommended daily intake for men, but it takes that much to boost blood levels of D, says Dr. Holick.

September 4, 2011


My blog's gotten dusty. So here goes... scourgify. Now it's impeccably clean from any physical (verbal dirt is still there though, I do remember my swearing posts) dirt and/or dust.

I went to Taiping to celebrate Eid. Yaya and I were supposed to go back to Machang but we sort of... feel left out whenever we're there. We only had each other and it was depressing T.T I like it at Taiping because I'm close, no, ditch that, I'm metaphorically stuck to them. Especially the eight-year old one. Her name's Farah. I call her 'Baby'. She's so gonna hit me if she (ever) knows of my blog.

For the record, I did help out in the kitchen. Don't scoff at me. Sure, I played games (I downloaded a game when it was only I think four days shy of one month to PMR), but I helped out... I babysat the none too angelic baby brother of mine. I secretly think he's going to be the next Voldemort LOL. I never woke up later than 10 (I think).

The great thing about that place is, I don't want to go back. It's so peaceful there. Sure, Taiping is not exactly known for it's village-sceneries-and-touch but it's better than the concrete jungles here. The trees here are bald compared to the trees there! Bald I say, bald. 

The bad things... I don't even want to talk about my mom's constant nagging and ordering and mood swings and anger management issues etc. She'd easily pass for an angry bird in an audition.

August 16, 2011

It's Never Too Late to Learn

We, the Form 3 students of SMK Jalan Empat, had an examination today. It was PJK, PSK and PSV. Wow, all starting with Ps. I don't like peas. Nor do I like nuts. Anyway, back to the main topic. The 2011 trial examination timetable for Thursday and Friday is...

Thursday : Bahasa Melayu Pemahaman and Penulisan, Science Paper (?)
Friday : History

So, no pressure. I just have to do a bit more revision on history and do lots of exercises on Stars and Galaxies and the Chapter 10 of Science, and I'm good to go. Hopefully, I'll get straight A's due to the tons of homework and exercises (really, for History we did more than 1000 questions already) our darling teachers gave us.

Now I know why our school produces so much straight A students in PMR. It's because of the mountains of exercises! When we do exercises lots of times, we tend to remember the facts in the questions. Especially if we get the wrong answer for the same questions lots of times. So, for the lazier students, they have a chance to still score As because the information sticks inside their brains. But to be on the safe side and secure yourself a spot in the straight A list, it's best to study and give it your all in the examinations.

I rarely study, but I make up with exercises and focusing in class. I know, who am I to give out tips? You're probably like "Hey, you're the girl from last year who always sleeps in class!".

Sod off.

For your information, I did not sleep the whole time. Only during BM and English and Geography (wow, now I know why I sort of suck in the last part of Form 2 Geography -_- and really, I'm regretting not paying attention during BM, I have to like copy down seven pages worth of Pahlawan Pasir Salak plot notes from a reference book, and I did not like it one bit. When I go to Form 4, I'm buying all the SPM reference books early next year). This year, I can proudly say "I did not sleep when the teacher's teaching".

Trust me, it pays a lot to pay attention in class. You give your attention, and the teacher's words almost literally sticks to the insides of your head. So the bottom line is (somehow this sentence is familiar to my PLBS speech on caffeine (you know, the one I posted sometime before)) if you pay attention in class, you don't have too much to worry about :)

Last but not least, good luck to all 2011 PMR candidates, no matter which school you're from.

August 13, 2011


Tonight my family is having daging bakar for break fast :D I'm craving for a pizza right now. Bad. Make it a Pepperoni Delight, beef. With extra cheese. Don't forget the stuffed crust. I think I'll say just that to my daddy.

Lately, I haven't had time to even read a book. Right, the bibliophile Dania doesn't have time to read a book. A storybook. Reference books, text books, modules, it seems that my nose is buried inside them almost all the time. Almost. And when it's not buried in those oh-so-delightful books, you can see me in front of my laptop, reading fanfiction 90% of the time. And occasionally I view manga and anime series. Tumblr on one of the tabs up there is compulsory. Me not on Tumblr when I go online? Right, and I have lesbian fantasies.

In case some of you don't speak fluent sarcasm or my sarcasm is too awesome for you too handle or you're just plain stupid, I was being sarcastic and I'm no lesbian.

So, enough rants. I'm going to watch Ouran High School before break fast.

August 9, 2011

A World Apart

Image belongs to theriddles.

I've just gotten well. From a high fever. Which involved temperatures as high as 39.7 degree celcius. And puking 5 times. And I just finished a Dramione fanfiction.

Hands down that was the best Dramione fanfiction I have ever read! Anyone who watches Harry Potter, even if you're not a shipper of Dramione (I ship Dramione), should read it. It glued me to the laptop for 6 hours, stopping only to take a bath. I even ate while reading it. It's gotten over 2k reviews on Fanfiction (which is a lot), it's got 139k ++ words and 31 chapters. Oh, and it's rated T just to be safe.

August 4, 2011

Australian Mathematics Competition

There was this Australian Mathematics Competition at school just now. I'm in the Intermediate Division. Last year I was in the Junior Division. So then I ranked top 38% in the region. This year... I don't even want to think about the results. I'd be lucky to even get into the top 45%. The questions... Don't even mention it. I think answering 100 PMR standard Mathematics question plus 25 IQ questions is easier than this.

My head was like "hey Dania, stop forcing me to work. I've reached my limit. Better stop before I explode" and I was like "no no don't explode just yet. Just a few more questions. Work faster, time's running out" and then it was like "Error, error, brain overworked. Standby mode in 5, 4, 3, 2, ooneee...--" Okay the last one was a lie. But really, it's super hard. Even Naim couldn't answer some of them, let alone me.

August 2, 2011


Do you know what is Pottermore? No? Then sorry if you won't understand a thing I'm about to say.


July 29, 2011


Did anyone miss my pointless rambling here? No? Aww that's bad :( Haha never mind.

I'm currently listening to Demi Lovato's Skyscraper. It's inspiring like Katy Perry's Firework, but Demi's voice is more powerful, don't you agree? Right, now I don't know what to type in here. No inspiration much? Well sort of.

Today is not such a good day. I didn't want to go to school due to laziness but I had to (duh, of course). I was sort of ignored early in the morning and it affected my attitude the whole day. I didn't want to talk a lot. And I became a sort of silent rebel. And also, I didn't have my breakfast. I refused to eat. I also don't understand meh the point of me doing that -_- as if I have something to prove when actually I just wanted attention. Sadly, I didn't get enough attention from him, so I just went out of the class after school and instead of going home, I felt like crying, so I went to the toilet, chatted with a friend, washed my face, and theeen go home. After arriving home, I was so pissed off due to the lack of attention from the one person I thought would give enough attention, I punched the wall lightly. I'm not that dumb to damage my delicate and smooth (biar lah perasan jap).

That's all I'd like to share. Thanks for lending me your eyes muahaha.

July 16, 2011

Muggles Trying to Make Me Jealous

Today Daddy brought Yaya and I to KLCC because I wanted to buy a book. Won't tell you what book it is, but I got it :D Then I got a Gryffindor t-shirt from Uniqlo which costs RM59.90. I was grinning from ear to ear after I got the t-shirt. It's red, it's Gryffindor, it's related to Harry Potter, and it's mine.

To people out there who are not a Potterhead, meaning either you don't read the books, you don't tear up during the last movie, you didn't wait in anticipation for the last movie, you don't feel like you don't know what to do with your life after the last movie, you don't know the three unforgivable curses, you don't know the creators of Hogwarts, you don't know about Quidditch, you don't remember the names of the Weasleys, you don't even recognize quotes from Harry Potter...

you don't have the right to make me jealous.

Suuure you got a seat wayyy back in the cinema. Sure, you're gonna watch it in 3D. But you're not a Potterhead, so you don't get the joy. You don't say "Mischief Managed" when it ended. You don't clap for it because you just don't have the passion for it.

Sorry dude(s/tte/ttes), Avada Kedavra.




July 10, 2011


I went shopping again today hohoho. This time it's with Daddy. He's so generous :3 I bought a game, a cardigan, an 8GB pendrive, and a USB cable for my phone. The game's really trying my patience by installing really slow like a snail. But I'll manage.

July 9, 2011

Hey Atiqah

Hey there,

I just want to say I miss being your friend. You used to be my best friend and I think it's my fault that we're distant now. You used to give me advice when I'm at loss and I know you mean well, but my temper always got the worse out of me.

I dreamt about you last night. I said I miss it all. You said you missed it too. When I woke up, it sorta triggered something, so I decided to make this post. It's your birthday tomorrow right? I'm still thinking about what present to buy to you. I suck at choosing presents -_- but I won't give you cupcakes like I did for my other friends, because you want a present, not cupcakes. I'll make sure I give you a present.

So let me just reminisce in the past okay? Haha. You know me so well that when a person typed 'dudeeee', you instantly know it's me. Even I didn't notice that I say 'dude' a lot haha. You're the one who influenced me to read manga. I didn't know it was addicting. Now I'm not so addicted to manga, but still, yeah you get the gist. You're the one who influenced me to make this blog, so I'm grateful to you. And you always let me borrow your books, I'm grateful for that too. Lastly, you've been with me when I'm at my best and when I'm at my worst. I can't thank you enough for that.

Happy advanced birthday! I'll wish you again this night :) Hoho why so jiwang Dania.

July 8, 2011


I just got home from the tuition I haven't attended for 2 weeks. The first week, I was absent because I had a fever, a viral fever. Blame Ilyas for bringing the virus to me. And there I was thinking my antibody is so strong while kissing and sharing drinks with that kid. The next week, which is last week, I was absent because I went to Johor for the Family Day you already know about.

While I was cycling home, I thought of something that I could put in this blog. And it was kinda an interesting thought, but the chocolate doughnut and the bread made me forget. You can't blame me. Eating is a blessing! Hahaha. I've recently learnt about that as of yesterday -_- 15 years of living and I just realized it yesterday. I'm 14 years behind (you can't eat good stuff when you're less than 36 months of age. If your mom feeds you with smoked salmon or spaghetti carbonara when you're less than 36 months old, then you've got to be weird, no offence though)

Oh yeah, now I remember a bit. The thought that I thought about was about the past. It's something that happened, but I can't remember :( Blast you, Angry Birds for making me concentrate on you so much that I forget. Just kidding. I'm the one at fault here for being such a forgetful person.

During school today, the new ranking for May 2011 test was posted. Guess my rank. Come on, come on. It's 18. What a loser. I dropped from #1 to #18. I feel so stupid right now. But I've been studying History and doing exercises, so I'll just work harder. Ganbatte! Hahaha I've been influenced by Hana Yori Dango from watching it too much -_- but really, I was a Japan fanatic since I was 11, but I'm a diam-diam ubi berisi not the bising-bising tin kosong type, not the type who blabs in Japanese and talks about it every single day. I know how annoying it can be, trust me, I do. No offence to the Japan fanatics out there kay?

Lastly, I'm sorry for any hurt feelings you may get from me or my typing or my mouth or my acts. You have my deepest apologies.


July 5, 2011

Coco Coco Crunch Coco Nut

I love the kid behind me so much <3

this is the proof? hahaha

I just have to put this hahahaha

I'm not so keen on updating my blog, but Adriana is kinda bugging me about it, so I'll update it :)

Last Friday, I went to Desaru, Johor. Or was it Kota Tinggi? -_- I forgot, but anyways, my mom's workplace, Carigali HESS, organised a family day, well actually days since it lasted for 3 days and 2 nights. We went there by bus and the nap inside the bus was so not okay (my neck hurts), but I can't do anything else but sleep.

Our suite was a 3-bedroom suite, I had to share a room with Yaya. It was okay since there are 2 separate beds, so I don't have to sleep next to her :3 On the first night, first night? hoho nah JK JK we had dinner at the ballroom cool tak cool tak hahaha. There was a clown, named Coco, his full name is Coconut, and his magic words are Zam Zam Alakazam point point point. Riiiiight... I was scared as hell when he first showed up -_-

The next morning, there were outdoor activities. That night, dinner was held based on the theme "Hollywood Movie Night 2011". Nice one, a woman was dressed in The Red Queen's outfit (Alice in Wonderland, anybody?). And a man was dressed in a... I don't know. But I have a picture to show you. Haha.

The next day, we went back home. I got home at um, 9 pm? I finished my homework just in time :P

June 19, 2011


Honestly, I can't find any inspiration to type away here. But anyway, I'll just continue my rant.

Yesterday, I went to Ascott. You know, the hotel in Kuala Lumpur, near KLCC? Yeah, that one. My mommy got a room, or was it a penthouse on the 32nd floor. I know, very very high up. I can't say it's a room because it has 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, 3 bathrooms and a dining hall. More like an apartment eh? After walking to a restaurant in KL, which is very, very far away from there, we (cousins, aunt, Yaya, me) watched a horror film. A Malay one. But it's more like a murder film. Hahaha really, all the stabbing using sickles, knives, ugh I just, I just can't.

And yes, I think I'm the only one who screamed throughout the entire film. Yeah, I'm so chicky. Get it, chicken-like? Hahahaha okay tak lawak. But still, it's creative. I bet you can't think of that. You only think of 'chicky' when you see a baby with a cute chick (bird, chicken, not girls) or when you go to KFC to eat the chicken. You know the mascot is called Chicky, right? If you don't, you're either too young like <1 year old or you're just too lame or lumpy or whatever that carries the same meaning. Pardon the language, it's the time of the month. Don't go start comparing me to you. Even though I b*tch around during the time of the month more than you do, you're not perfect and you must have at least one thing that you do worse than I do. So keep it shut.

I'm going way out of topic. Before we watched the film, I went to level 5 to get a blanket with my cousin. While waiting for the lift, I sang and danced like a weirdo, and I'm proud. Hahaha. Ah, then I slept next to my great grandmother (she's very much alive, she can still walk) and my 8-year old girl cousin. She's so cute and adorable. So much more adorable than my sister. Not to mention that she sleeps silently, unlike my sister. She also doesn't move around so much when sleeping, unlike my sister. This morning, we went to the 22nd floor to have breakfast and swim. I wonder why the cinnamon rolls don't have the cream for it eh...

Later, after the swim, we went upstairs and I did my homework. Then we went to KLCC to eat lunch and I bought a new book, again. I don't seem to get enough of books.

PS : It's "The Rescue" by, yeah you nailed it, Nicholas Sparks.

June 12, 2011

An Ending

There's always an ending to everything; life, books, stories, relationships. Most endings are sad, while some endings are happy. This ending I'm talking about belongs to the sad category.

It's June 12th, and school starts on June 13th. Wow, 13 really is an unlucky number. JK. So today is the day when mid-year school holiday ends. What a bummer. To celebrate the ending of this, I went to Pavilion today and turned into the shopaholic me. I bought a ring from Forever 21. It's a two-finger ring. It has 'Jadore' written on it. I wanted to buy another one with "J'Taime" but since I found this one...

Then mummy bought me a new pair of Converse shoes. Size 6 :3 My old shoes are too small :( I have to like, curl my toes so they don't get mashed. But they still hurt either way. So, thank you mummy :3

Oh, and I finished my Kerja Kursus Sejarah yesterday. I went to Blitz to bind it this morning before I went to Pavilion. I want a DSLR so bad rn :(

June 9, 2011

School Holidays

I gained weight this holiday. Mostly because I'm not out and about and I've been eating a lot. During school days, my body weight or body fat is regulated by eating and cycling and going out and about a lot, so the food is used for energy. But now, during school holidays, I get sick so I can't go outside, and the food isn't used as energy but it turns into fat. I don't know how the process goes, but yeah you get the gist.

Moreover, I haven't finished my homework and folio. And since I'm having a fever, I can't think very straight, can I? I'm always like this "I regret procrastinating during school holiday! I'll never do it again!". And guess what happens during the next school holiday? "Oh there's still time. I'll do it tomorrow. Even if I do it next week, I could make it." And the process repeats itself for as long as there is homework and school holiday.

I will now end this post by saying goodluck to myself.
Goodluck, Dania

June 5, 2011

Beloved Pets

So, my beloved piercings are doing fine. They hurt a lot less today. I'm taking real good care of them. And now I'm talking like they're my pets. -_- I want to go on Tumblr but most of my dashboard is not the type I want. I'm going on an unfollowing spree. Yeah, Imma do it. Right now. Okay byeeee

June 4, 2011

Piercings Like Whoa

I went to Metro Kajang to buy games just now after Asar. Then after I bought 'The Sims 2' Castaway, daddy bought Yaya and I cool blog's Volcano Iced Tea or something like that. I wanted to buy the kaya balls but they were too slow so I went to the bakery and bought a croissant filled with tuna and tomatoes and cucumbers.

Yaya didn't eat anything, so only daddy and I ate the croissant. Yaya wanted to poke her straw through the cartoon face at the cover of the cool blog cup, but she missed. Good aiming much? Then she said "selalu masuk 3 kaya ball dalam mulut". I asked her to repeat her sentence. She said "selalu masuk 3 bola dalam mulut". FYI, there are (edible) pearls inside the drink. I said "tadi kau cakap kaya ball kan? Hahahahahaha" and she was like "haha aah tersilap".

Then we went around the place. I saw a gold shop. Then I remembered the thing I really wanted for the past month : another piercing. I bugged daddy about it and we went to Hanif's to pierce my ear, again. But they ran out of the uh... anesthetic. But no worries, there are 3 more gold shops. So we went to the next gold shop, and they provide piercing services. I got the piercing just above my old one.

So now, I have, one, two, three, FOUR piercings on my ear! Yay for me :D

this post will be deleted if any hate comments are present.

June 2, 2011

Hols Goals

So. Now that my holiday has officially started. I'm thinking of a few things that I want to do during this 1 and a half week holiday. I want to

  • Cycle 7km/day so I'd be healthier and not to mention I have segak test after this holiday.
  • finish my "Message in a Bottle" book.
  • wrap "Torment" given by Aiman.
  • put up a video of The Ballad of Mona Lisa piano cover.
When I was thinking about those stuffs in my brain, it seemed like a huge burden and almost impossible to fulfil. But now that I put it down, I'm like "what the, it's only 4 stuffs!". Wish me luck in doing all those. Especially the first and and last one

My wrist is so tired from all the playing. I'm seriously trying to perfect the song. Oh, and I've decided to stop eating chicken except for the breast part. It's not for a diet, I just don't like it.


Wakakakaka look at this screencap.

I don't know if you can see it, but try zooming in? If you have a Twitter, you'll know that the topic #adindaevans is number three in the top trend list. Worldwide. And if you do happen to investigate, you'll know the whole story. I won't share it here. Investigate it yourself. But do search for it. Hahahaha. Really, it's very entertaining to watch a girl ranting about the unimportance of virginity and the importance of maruah. Lawak tak? Wkwkwkwkwk betul2 lawak lah, bukan tipu. Zzzzz.

So my friends. The things you tell on the Internet, no matter how not popular you are, is better off not told. Because this girl, she's not popular, after she posted about her lost virginity, she got 100+ followers over the hour. And the whole world might know about it. It's a disgrace to Islam, Malaysia and her family. Not to mention herself.

Me doing this, talking bad things about her, it's okay. Because she publicly told the world about her lost virginity.


May 31, 2011

The Proposal

I learned the song I mentioned below this morning. Before Puncak Jaya. And I have to admit, I play it pretty well for someone who just started learning that song. Muehehehe. Just ignore me and my proud moment for myself.

I watched The Proposal again today. I still laughed at the funny scenes. I almost slept through the touchy and serious moments. But I managed through it.

Amalia got her payback for making fun of my injured bottom lip. She got an injury on the exact spot, just it's on the left. Mine is on the left. Sarah got hers also. She got a stomach ache from drinking spoilt chocolate milk. Hahahahahaha I'm so evil :3

May 30, 2011


I'm gonna try playing the song The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco on the piano. Muehehe. I downloaded the sheet music already (seriously, I'm just plain lazy to transpose the song myself). I just printed it. And I think I'll play it tomorrow morning.

Really, playing a song on the piano in the morning, before Puncak Jaya. Well, one thing, I'm fresh in the morning and my brain haven't been slaved yet, so I'll be more relaxed while playing. Secondly, people are not awake yet, and I don't smash the keyboard hard enough that people in the neighbourhood will wake up and call the cops to arrest me for playing in the morning.

Speaking of Puncak Jaya, I'll be back home early from tomorrow's Puncak Jaya. Hehehehehehe I don't have to join the English Puncak Jaya.

May 29, 2011



I went to Mid Valley and spent RM85 on jewellery and a bag and a bookmark. The bag had the definition of bibliophile on it. Try googling what that word means. Nah, I'll just give you the link. I love the bag, so so much. The RM85 is from my dad. It's a birthday gift. I don't like the money, I just like the satisfaction I get when I get new stuffs, which is good since it releases tension. It's like all the tension that built up inside of me since the last time I went shopping ceases just like that.

I bought the jewellery at Bonita, and I bought the bag and bookmark at MPH. I should go shopping more often when I get stressed out...

May 27, 2011

I love you guys

I logged into Facebook just a few minutes ago. And guess what I found?


I love you guys so much. And it kept coming. Well, it'll probably stop at 12. But really, thank you everyone :D

Oh and lookie here :)

Congratulations to meeeee :P

Happy 15th Birthday, Dania

Today is officially my birthday :) I got lots and lots of wishes from my friends at school, which meant they really remember my birthday, not because of Facebook, even from the ones I thought wouldn't remember since they like, kinda grew distant a long time ago. The thing that touched my heart the most is Atiqah and Syazana gave me presents. I don't want to tell what Syazana gave me. Trust me, you'll laugh if you know the meaning behind the present. Okay I'll just tell you. It's a lion plushie. Atiqah gave me a teddy bear, along with a handmade card :D

So this post is a thank you post for the people who wished me. All of you who did. I wanted to list the names, but I can't because it's too long. No matter, I'll just do it.

Thank you to Adriana, Aiman, Sarah, Aliya Fariha, Adiba, Sarah Athina, Afrina, Fikri, Amalia, Farahin, Iwana, Shahira, Mariah, Syazana, Atiqah, Lee, Aina Yaslina, Aina Helmi, Aini, Idan, Dhifi, Hazirah, Hamizah, Mawaddah, Hasya, Aishah, Anna, my mom, my dad, Nurul Atasha, Amin, Pn Noormala Sudin, Firdaus, Atikah Amira, Amin Khalili, Amira, Idzni, Kamal, Sarah Nabilah, Qistina, Akmal Aidil, Azri, Nur Iman, Mariah's brother, Izzati Asyiqin, Liau, Ken, Heydan, Siti Husna, Aida Najwa, Shahida Nadira, Miza Syamimi, Fit, Aisyah Haris, Noreiza, Adiib.

Okay that, was really tiring. Even though most of them remembered my birthday because of Facebook... -_- but still, thanks.

May 26, 2011


Words cannot express how much I love you guys right now. I love you guys, Amalia, Sarah, and Aiman <3 Really, I feel like hugging each of you, except Aiman. Okay I hugged them already.

They planned a surprise birthday party for me, even though it's not my birthday yet. I kinda guessed it yesterday, but Sarah and Ama did a good job in fooling me, so yeah, I really thought there wasn't going to be a birthday party for me. I braced myself for the disappointment anyway. But I wasn't disappointed. My three most loved best friends did it, for me :) They tried really hard to make me happy since I was kinda sad, okay, I was really sad, I was crying because of my exam results.

I washed my face in the girls' toilet, accompanied by Ama and Sarah. Then we went back to class to get our bags so we can change our clothing. After that, we prayed. I was in the process of cheering up. I was like, looking everywhere for Aiman. Okay, you got me. I didn't look for him. I just kept on asking. Haha. Sarah also said he couldn't find Aiman. Ama asked "kau bukak lampu takk?". Hahahaha.

Next, we went to class. It was empty. I saw Adnin. I asked her if she saw Aiman. She said he's in 3 Ini. I was like 'okay' and I continued drinking from my water bottle. She said Aiman called for me. Sarah and Ama also said he needed me. That was when I was wondering if there is really a suprise birthday party or not.


I walked in and saw Aiman holding a cake with candles lit up. They sang me Happy Birthday :') Then I blew the candles. Okay, now I remember. I didn't make a wish. Hahahaha okay it doesn't really matter anyway. Khurafat2. Anyway, here are the pictures :D

The brownie Sarah made. She didn't use the instant mixtures. She sacrificed her History studying time to make this. The candles are sponsored by Aiman.

Me cutting the brownie cake. And there's vanilla ice cream. Sponsored by Amalia, bought by Aiman who went to Econsave. Yes, that far one, using his bike.

The present Aiman gave me. It's a book, a famous one at that. Thank youuuu

This is the present Ama bought me. The story behind this is funny. I thought this was a pencil case. But then I asked Ama if my guess was right. She said "tak, die something yang kau suke". Then I felt the shape of the present, and I knew, it's a water bottle!

The conclusion is, I love you guys so so so much. And thank you for the early wishers :)
  • Sarah Athina
  • Farahin
  • Amalia
  • Adiba
  • Aiman
  • Sarah
  • Iman
and sorry for those I forgot ><